
I dont feel the wind tonight. I can hear it talk to yellow city lights in the distance. They disturb me. Just like the banal silence of a scream heard from within oneself. The Big Bad Inane Silence. And when the Big Bad Wolf came along...
It followed me to the black room. It heard the splinters of broken glass collide a second time. The vase was given to me by a dead man. My favorite piece of crystal in the house. I didnt see the smoke rise out of it. We all just stood there. Uncertain.

The friend i made today showed me unerring sorrow. I stopped expecting the phonecall.


"The moon shines in my body, but my blind eyes cannot see it: The moon is within me, and so is the sun. The unstruck drum of Eternity is sounded within me; but my deaf ears cannot hear it."

So much i love you. Do you know?
pee see eich!


And i miss you. Your presence. Your unexpected kisses. Your wet hair. I wish I could hold you a little longer. Tell you a little more.
And Live.
I bought her flowers. A big bright bunch of yellow roses.. on a breeze. I'm turining into something that has hurt her all these years. I did the same damn thing. I bought her flowers. A big bright bunch of yellow roses...
On a breeze

: )



My wineglass cracked. It fell into the river below and all i could
do was watch it flow away. It was still morning. I couldn't see the
sun but knew it was sparkling behind the brown ranges
surrounding us. Trust you. Wait i'l get another one. I wanted to
lie down, but the trunk was florescent moss-green. Not
something i wanted on my t-shirt. sarcasm is one of the...

The walk through the woods was relieving. Calming. The weather was the usual.
Wet. Cloudy. It could rain any minute, now. I hoped it wouldnt. Rain
could strip us down to ourselves. It would see us bare and naked
and expose us to a world that surprisingly knew nothing. M
it secretly kept a secret
. Not a chance, he let out half a
laugh and emptied his glass in one smooth swig. C
hug it like a
frenchman, zu.

Compassion. All kinds of it. The river is making sounds i could sit and listen to forever, he said. I couldnt hear anything. It was too cold and quiet. Your're not listening, zu! I wasnt. We didnt talk for another hour. I lay down on the trunk and stared at the sky. Maybe someday it would open up and we would all run around trying to catch whatever fell from it. Like rain. Ah! do you still read poetry?
Intensity. Speed at which the flow of...
Where was it now? The glass was full. The leaves were wet. The rainmaker stood in the distance and threw stones into the river flowing violently beneath our feet. Angry young damsel. Certainty distresses me. I do not want to know. Words could ruin the beauty of what you see. So , tell me about you. what do you do? I never thought suicide was wrong. Withdrawal could be bliss. A room full of nothing but your own self. locked up. And later you pound on the door begging to be let out. Maybe. But thats later. Lay Ter. What do you feel right now? Not about your life you fool! Snap out of it and Dont give me your profound shit.

This is where you need it. Intensity. passion. desire. tra la la la..
Wake up next to yourself and you will know. Let the rain strip you down to bare minimum and you will feel..

Feel what you couldnt. See what you didnt.
Hear the wineglass crack and the Rainmaker laugh.
But, what's so funny? why is he laughing?
Ignore him , little girl. You dont need to know.You shouldnt.
And it rained.
Je dirais les mots les poèmes,
je jouerais les musiques du ciel,
je prendrais les rayons du soleil,
pour élairer tes yeux de rêves
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than the ones you did"
- Mark Twain
My moonlight.
A spanish question mark in the sky.
A sunday in our pocket.
An old grey bridge hiding under the sea.
The smell of old cologne.
A bump on the nose
Your hug, Your smile.
Dew drops on dry leaves.
The Rain in your eyes.
The colours on my wall.
A touch, imagined a thousand times.
The blindfold.
Beautiful brown eyes.
The taste of skin.
..and so much more.
love, love
Dont go away.